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    Based in Singapore. Writes everywhere.

    I’ve always loved words and telling stories. I'm also obsessed with everything digital and tech (impossible not to be here). Hence combining both to create digital products will be the best option,

  • Advantages

    Benefits for you as an eBook writer

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    Writing an eBook is relatively cheap. Unlike authoring a book, you don’t need to spend thousands or ten of thousands for printing, engaging copywriter, Creative designer and publishing.


    Your cost is almost zero.


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    Be an “Expert”

    When you write a book or ebook, automatically you become an “expert” on that subject. We have been programmed to associate writers as expert.

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    Every brand and company is different but not everyone can simply convey that. You can use ebook storytelling techniques to convey your unique selling point to customers and clients.

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    Easy and Simple

    • Cut -Copy-Paste (CCP).
    • Outsource
    • No need to have writing skills
    • No need to be creative in design


    Note :. Do not copy wholesale from books and other sources to prevent copyrighting issues. The rule is never copy more than 10%.


    You can also write to the authors to ask for permission to use the articles with agreement to accredit them. Most authors will agree because they want the publicity.


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    Enhanced your business

    Write eBooks to attract new customers. How?


    Let's say you run a shoe shop in one of the shopping mall. You write an ebook on what shoe to use for what purpose based upon your experience and from the catalog you have.


    Then at end of the eBook, include the following sentence :


    Those who download this free eBook will be entitled to 30% (or whatever discount you want) for this model ABC (which you want to clear stock).


    Do the following if you want to use eBooks for your business:


    1. Install Telegram on your mobile (android and iPhone)


    2. Email us at neeleongtham@gmail.com to tell us you want to join eVenchise and write eBooks.


    3. We will contact you to advise you how to sign up and get your own bookstore. We will also invite you to join Ebook Writer Guild for free to learn how to write eBooks.


    We will guide you steps by steps.




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    Creating Legacies

    Create legacies for your loved ones. How?


    Many people think that legacies are houses, businesses and bank accounts one left behind for the families.


    eBooks are digital legacies which one can leave behind for the families.


    Cheap and easy to build. How much you want your family to receive depends on how many eBooks you have written.


    For example, if you plan to have your family receiving $5000 monthly, then write 5 eBooks. If each can give you $1000 each, you’d get $5000!


    We will help you to create cash cows for your retirement and legacy planning. Email us with heading cash cows to neeleongtham@gmail.com.

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    Join us as eBooks writer and bookstore owner

    Limkopi with us to explore this unique opportunity.




  • My work

    Companies/Organisation I currently worked with include:

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    Principal Consultant

    Bema Seat Management Services


    Management Services, Training, ebook writing and white labelling

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    My book store

    Free ebooks available for download.

    Click on three bar menu and click free.

    3000+ ebooks selling on 500+ bookstores worldwide. 5 streams of income. Limkopi with us to learn more.

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